SchoolTool Updates
Check out our latest features.
Version 22.1-R2
Alternate Enrollment Updates - Student Records
The Enrollment section under the Student tab has been reorganized to merge both alternate and official enrollments into a single unified view.
Alternate enrollments now have the same fields as official enrollments, streamlining data management. When assigning a schedule at a different building, an alternate enrollment will be created with default values for the new fields.
To initiate a Projected Enrollment, users can click the Start Projected button, previously labeled as the “Sunshine” button.
Alternate Enrollment Updates - Counseling > Batch Enrollment Edit
The Batch Enrollment Edit sub-module now supports alternate enrollments, allowing users to select specific records for editing.
Unlike alternate enrollments, official enrollments remain restricted to editing only the most recent record.
Alternate Enrollment Updates - Census > Batch Enrollment
Batch additions and deletions of alternate enrollments are now possible in the Census > Batch Enrollment module, offering greater flexibility in data management.
New Alternate Enrollments Batch Selector Term:
This new feature simplifies the process of locating students with alternate enrollments by adding a specialized batch selector term for targeted searches.
Enhanced Custom Export Compatibility
A new compatibility option enables custom exports with the “Force Legacy Cardinality Estimation” SQL hint, ensuring smooth functionality for more complex queries.
Assume Account and Assume Identity Features in Grading Application
Full assume account functionality is now accessible in the grading application. Users will also find new identification icons at the top-right of grading screens to improve visibility and usability for assume account and assume identity functions.
Hybrid Report Card
Introducing the Hybrid Report Card—a new report format that combines traditional marking period grades with standard grades for a more comprehensive view of student performance.
Version 21.4-R1
OAuth 2.0 Support for Gmail
SchoolTool now supports OAuth 2.0 for Gmail. This is available for districts that connect directly to without a relay to support Google's deprecation of "Less Secure Apps" on September 30. Note that districts using Gmail with a relay will have different steps to perform.
NYS Updates
Changes have been made throughout SchoolTool to correspond with NYS Data Warehouse reporting requirements. This includes new and updated state assessment names, assessment schedules for 2025, state course code changes, one new Career Path Code, one new language code, and the addition of a new Instructor Type code field in the Master Schedule Editor.
Hybrid Course
A new option in the Course Catalog allows courses to be both traditional and descriptor.
RTI Updates
The RTI Description is now visible on the RTI Detail Report. In addition, RTI Types have been added to the RTI Alert icon hover menu.
Custom Export Filtering
The list of custom exports can now be filtered using any of the available columns.
Submit Descriptor/Standard Marking Period Grades Screen Updates
The Submit Descriptor/Standard Marking Period Grades Screen has been updated to enhance the grade submission experience. These updates include a new student flyout selector, additional functionality in the student tile, the ability to mass apply comments, and new grid options.
Grading Updates
A variety of enhancements have been made to the grade book editor based on feedback. These include renaming the Print button to Reports and additional options for working with standards on assignments.
Version 21.3-R4
Submit Descriptor/Standard Report Card Grades
The Submit Descriptor/Standard Marking Period Grades screen has been updated and is now available in the new grading experience! The newly updated screen allows teachers to simply submit and/or calculate marking period grades based on standard scores. A new assignment grid shows how a student performed on standards across multiple assignments. Whether or not assignments are in use, teachers can enter marking period grades and comments, compare previous grades and comments, and complete mass actions for groups of standards in just a few clicks!
Refer to the Submit Descriptor/Standard Marking Period Grades - Mass Actions and Calculations document for more information on mass action functionality.
For detailed information, be sure to check out our complete release notes.
Grade Book Editor Enhancements for Standards-Based Grading
A new standard view is available in the Grade Book Editor! When viewing by standard, the assignments listed will show the score given to that standard.
In the assignment view when scoring standards in the standards drawer, the student list is now locked in place and will not scroll.
New Custom Export Field for Selection Type
A new field was added to Custom Export to return information on the Selection Type associated with a student's course selections. The ability to choose either Summer School or Regular School Year selections was added in SchoolTool version 21.3-R2 (Build 08).
For detailed information, be sure to check out our complete release notes.
Update to the Master Schedule/ Course Selection Batch Term
A drop-down for Selection Type was added to the Master Schedule / Course Selection Batch term. This will be visible when searching for students with or without selected courses.
For detailed information, be sure to check out our complete release notes.
Identity Provider Selection in Network Map and Visibility on Accounts Tab
When assigning users in Maintenance > User/Group > Network Map, a new drop-down is available under the User ID to select an Identity Provider. This information can be viewed on the Accounts tab in a person record where a new column called Identity Provider will display the selected Identity Provider.
For detailed information, be sure to check out our complete release notes.
Version 21.3 - R3
NYS ADV Assessments
A new Assessment Type has been added to SchoolTool along with one new assessment and its associated schedule.
Updates to Student Restraint/Physical Intervention Tracking
Student restraint/physical intervention information can now be tracked on Classroom Incidents as well as Discipline Referrals and additional fields have been added to allow districts to accurately record the data that must be reported to NYS.
NYS Data Warehouse Extract for Student Restraints/Physical Interventions
A new Data Warehouse extract, Student Restraint Event, has been added to support NYS reporting requirements related to Student Restraints/Physical Interventions.
Version 21.3 - R2
Navigate to Attendance from the New Grade Book
Teachers can now easily navigate back and forth between the new Grade Book and legacy Attendance screen.
Course Selections for Summer School
Course selections can now be specified as being for the regular school year or for the summer school. This will allow districts to perform a Student Schedule Builder (SSB) run for the summer school selections only or for regular school year selections only. This can also be used for informational purposes.
Allow Alternate Enrollments to be used in Scheduling Tools
The Student Schedule Builder (SSB) can now be set up to schedule alternately enrolled students.
Version 21.3 - R1
Standards-Based Grading
The standards-based grading functionality is being released for training purposes only. If you would like to experiment with this functionality on your district's training site, submit a ticket to the SchoolTool Help Desk.
Here's what you can expect from our grade book when implementing standards-based grading:
Teachers can assign grading scales and weights to any standards linked with an assignment.
Once standards have been associated, teachers can enter a score for each individual standard.
Teachers also can mass apply a calculated score for the overall assignment based on the standard scores and weights.
Districts can create a custom short name to associate with any standard. The short name is then used to create simple identifiers for standards.
Conversion to New Authentication Solution
In April 2023, we introduced an enhanced authentication solution and login experience with the Version 20.2 release. This updated authentication not only provides significant security enhancements but also ensures a consistent experience across the full site and mobile site.
Our new grading tools require the updated authentication solution we introduced. These grading tools cannot be enabled until your district has completed that process.
Please note that you can still upgrade to Version 21.3 regardless of whether you have converted to the new authentication solution, as the process for converting to the new login experience remains the same.
Note for Districts using Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
The new Updater Service is not compatible with Windows Server 2012/2012 R2. Districts using this version of Windows Server will need to download updates from an SFTP site. If you need assistance with this process, please contact SchoolTool Service Delivery at least 48 hours prior to the planned upgrade date.
Version 21.2
Submit Work-Based Learning Hours
A brand-new screen to submit Work-Based Learning Hours was added to teacher grade books. Teachers can enter hours for all students in a particular class section rather than adding hours on each student record individually.
Grade Book Enhancements
Based on customer feedback, enhancements have been made to the new grade book including:
A Grid Options area to customize the look of columns and rows
Bolder scores and student averages
The sort will respect the student name display; if displaying First Name Last Name, the sort will sort by first name
A new option to condense the rows to show more students on the page
A new option to always show the attribute editor
Student averages will now show in a separate column which is sortable and color-coded, if configured
Assignment actions have been moved to a drop-down which allows more information about the assignment to be shown when the assignment name is clicked
Paging arrows have been realigned for ease of use
Customizable Activities Section
A new customizable activities area is available on an additional canned Transcript format, allowing districts to track additional information like seals and certifications.
Updates Related to Student Gender, Sex, Pronouns, and Names
SchoolTool is continuing to add and update features to support districts in managing students’ gender and sex, preferred pronouns, and affirmed/legal names.
Report cards, forms, and the display name in the Mobile App will respect the affirmed name or legal name as configured for each contact.
Custom Export Updates
New fields were added to Custom Export allowing information to be gathered about the people that have viewed the student report card, their relationship to the student, and their account status.
Crisis Code Start Date
A field to track the start date of a crisis code was added to support districts in reporting this data to the NYS Data Warehouse.
Updates have been made to available NYS Course Catalog codes and Assessment names and schedules in accordance with updates from NYS.
Canned Report Card Updates
New functionality has been added to the 8 MP report card to mirror functionality that exists on other report cards.
Version 21.1
New Grading Screens
With the addition of SchoolTool’s new gradebook platform comes updated grade submission screens! Without leaving the new grade book area, seamlessly navigate to grading screens and experience the improved performance and enhanced user interface of the new grading tools. Currently, the following screens have been updated, with more to follow very soon:
- Submit Midterm Exam Grades
- Override Calculated Final Averages
- Submit SLO Scores
Gradebook Enhancements
With the latest gradebook updates, use arrow keys to navigate through students and assignments!
Features Related to Student Gender, Sex, Pronouns, and Names
SchoolTool has added new features to support districts in managing students’ gender and sex, preferred pronouns, and affirmed/legal names. Additionally, districts can now track the assigned sex at birth of students for use in providing appropriate medical care.
Required User Defined Screens as Forms
User Defined Screens (UDS) can now be made required as Forms for users accessing the full and mobile sites. This will provide a consistent experience in the full site, mobile site, and mobile app.
Customizable Activities Section
A new customizable activities area is available on one of the canned Transcript formats, allowing districts to track additional information like seals and certifications.
OneRoster Demographics API
A new Demographics call has been added to the API Service (OneRoster) to allow districts to pull students’ demographics data using the IMS Global 1.2 format.
Version 20.4
New Grading Screens
With the addition of SchoolTool’s new gradebook platform comes updated grade submission screens! Without leaving the new gradebook area, seamlessly navigate to grading screens and experience the improved performance and enhanced user interface of the new grading tools. Currently, the following screens have been updated, with more to follow very soon:
- Submit Progress Report Grades
- Submit Marking Period Grades
- Submit Final Exam Grades
New Submit User Defined Assessments Screen
The Submit User Defined Assessments (UDA) screen has been updated and is now available as part of the new grading platform. This screen allows teachers to submit UDA data for students on their rosters. UDAs can be used for a variety of purposes including to track student progress and the NYS Science Investigates.
NYS Science Investigations
SchoolTool has created a set of new User Defined Assessments (UDAs) in response to New York State’s implementation of brand new elementary and intermediate science investigations. These UDAs will be automatically populated for districts upon upgrade to SchoolTool 20.4.
New Discipline Options
Districts now have the ability to track additional data for discipline referrals, including student triggers, staff involvement, physical intervention, observed physical responses, various contact fields, medical follow-up, and whether the student has a BIP or ICMP. This data is available in Custom Export too, so it’s easy to report on data for any of these new fields.
New Custom Export Fields for Report Card Viewer Data
Districts can now pull data that shows when any contact with parent portal rights views a student's report card from the My Home > Grades tab.
User/Group Management and Authentication via ClassLink
SchoolTool now supports user/group management and authentication via ClassLink as an Identity Provider. Depending on district configuration, users can log in using a "Sign in with ClassLink" button on the SchoolTool login screen or via the district's ClassLink portal.
Please note that districts wishing to configure ClassLink as an Identity Provider must be using the new SchoolTool login experience.
Version 20.3
Census > Search Selections Now Retained Per User
The basic search selections in Census > Search are now retained for each user after navigating away or logging out of SchoolTool. The next time that user returns to the Census > Search screen, the most recently user options will be selected by default.
Note: Only the options for Search Person Types and Search Fields are retained after logout; Search Filters (Grade and Gender) are not retained. -
User/Group Permission Control of Clickable Emails on Person Record
Districts now have the ability to control whether or not users can click on email addresses and icons in the person record. This access is now controlled by two new permissions: one for the top portion (the Personal Information Section) of a person record, and another for the bottom tabs (the Contacts tab for person records, Schedule tab for students, and My Home > Grades tab for students).
Users who have the new permission enabled will continue to see the clickable email addresses/icons on the person record and can use the integrated SchoolTool email functionality. In the top portion of the person record, this includes the person's individual email address, (all person types), as well as Counselor and/or Homeroom Teacher emails (on student records only). In the bottom tabs, this includes email addresses on the Contacts tab for all students and residents within the Census module, email icons on the Schedule tab (students only), and icons on the views within the My Home > Grades tab (students only).
Users who have rights to view emails but do not have the permission to click on them will see text-only versions of those email addresses instead, allowing them to copy email addresses into their preferred email application.
User/Group Permission Control of Mobile Site Redirect
Districts now have the ability to control whether or not SchoolTool will redirect to the mobile site on mobile devices based on which user group(s) the user belongs to. Users who have the new permission enabled will always be directed to the full website after logging into SchoolTool on a mobile device. Users who do not have the permission will be redirected to the mobile site instead.
Discipline Updates
New fields have been added to Discipline referrals to allow districts to add additional details about restorative actions. The visibility of these fields can be managed for each Building School Level in Maintenance > Discipline > Dispositions.
In addition, the Maintenance > Discipline > Building School Level Options screen has been reorganized to allow users to more easily locate options on that screen.
Additional changes for Discipline referrals will be coming in a future release.
New Grade Book
The new Grade Book is officially here! Districts can enable the new grade book functionality, which includes Grade Book Setup and Grade Book Editor, via a brand new feature flag setting in Maintenance > District > District Options.
Depending on the district's feature flag setting, teachers may have the ability to toggle between the new and legacy grade book functionality, or they may simply be directed to the district's preferred grade book experience.
The new grade book includes an improved grade book setup wizard, color coding for assignment scores and categories, repeating assignments, enhancements to Google Classroom integration (including support for Quiz assignment types), and a brand new Student view for assignment scores.
Important: The new Grade Book is only available on sites that have been upgraded to the new login experience.
Additional grading tools, such as grade submission screens, will be added in upcoming releases.
Support for okta Authentication
SchoolTool now supports user/group management and authentication via okta. Depending on district configuration, users can log in using a "Sign in with okta" button on the SchoolTool login screen or via the district's okta portal.
Please note that districts wishing to configure okta as an Identity Provider must be using the new SchoolTool login experience.
Advanced Analytics (beta)
A new Advanced Analytics platform is being released (currently in beta mode with a Mindex-controlled feature flag). Mindex is working with Regional Information Centers and direct districts to coordinate activation of this platform for a select group of districts who will participate in a pilot program over the coming months, with a full release expected later year.
Please note that the Advanced Analytics platform will only be available for districts who have upgraded to the new login experience and are hosted in the Mindex cloud.
Learn more about our Advanced Analytics tools here!
Version 20.2
Enhanced Authentication/Login Experience
Version 20.2 provides an overhaul of existing authentication logic to introduce significant improvements to security and provide a consistent login experience between the full website and mobile site (updates to the mobile app login screen are coming in a future release). The new login screen improves support for SSO and makes SchoolTool's MFA solution and "Forgot Password" functionality available to users on the mobile website.
The updates to authentication also adds support for OneRoster Scopes (this provides additional security for API vendors using OneRoster and completes the final piece of SchoolTool's OneRoster certification status).
Also included are changes to system banner functionality to allow districts to continue showing customized content on the login screen.
Please note that additional configuration is required to use the updated authentication logic after upgrading to Version 20.2; contact your SchoolTool liaison for additional information.
Continued Improvements for Multilingual Report Cards
A new Translations area is available in Maintenance to allow districts to enter translation text for a number of district-defined values. Translated text entered here will then be displayed on report cards based on the Printed Report Card Language prompt for each report. Only English and Spanish translations are supported at this time, but more languages will be added in the future. In the meantime, districts can contact their SchoolTool liaison to request additional languages.
In addition, all remaining canned report card formats have been updated to use the new Printed Report Card Language setting.
Tracking of Mailing Addresses in "Update Students"
"Update Students" functionality now includes the ability to receive updates to student contacts' mailing addresses. When changes are made to a contact's mailing address (whether adding, changing, or removing the address), this data will be included in the Update Students grid in Census > Receive Student Data and will be shown on the Contact Changes report for the corresponding row.
Changes for NYS Data Warehouse
A number of changes were added to ensure accurate NYS Data Warehouse reporting. Changes include the following:
- Updated short codes for 26 IB Assessments to correspond with NYS expected codes
- Updated Logic for Student Partner Project Fact and Student Lite Exports to ensure all appropriate P-Tech/Smart Scholar students are included
- The Career Pathway field is now required for P-Tech/Smart Scholar program services to ensure accurate data warehouse reporting
- Eligibility Field No Longer Required for Free/Reduced Lunch Program Services)
- Updated items in Faculty PMF Assignments List
- Added the "Unknown" grade level for use with 8300 enrollment codes.
Online Help Navigation Improvements
Enhanced online help for Grade Book Setup (Teacher help) and in the Maintenance > User/Group > Groups & Security Tree area to make it easier for users to find information.
Version 20.1
"Update Students" Enhancements
Districts can now see changes more easily (and, in many cases, can automatically accept updates) from connected districts.
- Core functionality changes include the ability to receive and review changes to student contacts, including contact names, phone numbers, addresses, and more. We also include student phone numbers in the list of fields available to be synced.
- Workflow improvements include a new "Current Value" column (so you can see what the field value is in your local database before deciding to accept or reject an incoming change) and displaying student ID in addition to student name (so users can quickly identify the student for whom they're receiving changes).
- Core functionality changes include the ability to receive and review changes to student contacts, including contact names, phone numbers, addresses, and more. We also include student phone numbers in the list of fields available to be synced.
Multilingual Options for Report Cards
Building on our multilingual functionality, we added an option to allow districts to generate report cards in English or Spanish for both traditional (secondary) and descriptor (elementary) report cards. Districts can choose to always print a report in one language or the other, or let SchoolTool determine which language to use based on the first language of either the student or the primary contact.
API Security Improvements & Future-Proofing
Our API Security area has an improved workflow, making it much easier for a user to manage API permissions for each vendor. We also made a bunch of changes (behind the scenes) to support OneRoster API certification, in preparation for additional updates coming in early 2023!
New York State Exports: Additions & Updates
A product release wouldn’t be complete without our bread-and-butter: NYS Requirements.
- We added one new export (Student Partner Project Fact) and several program service fields used to populate that export.
- We also updated the Student Lite export, which included adding some fields to the Demographics tab for a student to collect some new data and introducing additional fields to our Custom Export tool so districts can use that data in their custom exports.
- Finally, we made some changes to the Student GPA Credit export to align with state reporting requirements (specifically, we only report data for certain students now in accordance with NYS guidelines).
- We added one new export (Student Partner Project Fact) and several program service fields used to populate that export.
Version 20.0
Attendance, Teachers: Updated Attendance Screen
The Submit Attendance screen, available in Attendance > Attendance as well as in a teacher's My Home, has been updated to provide an improved user experience and show additional information.
Changes include the following:
- The screen's header area was condensed and spacing in the attendance grid was reduced to allow users to see more of the attendance grid without having to scroll.
- Student photos are now displayed inside circles. For students who don't have a photo, the circle will show the student's first and last initials instead.
- Additional fields such as student nickname and home district assignment can now be displayed on this screen.
Census, Maintenance: Receive Student Data Changes via District Connections
Districts now have the ability to automatically receive changes to basic student information when data is updated at the home district. This functionality can be enabled per district connection and can be configured so that users in the receiving district will get one email per day when changes have been detected.
Changes include updates to the District Connection configuration area, new fields in for email notifications, and a new Update Students grid in Census > Receive Student Data.
Counseling, Scheduling: Changes to Printing of Pending Schedules
Canned student schedule reports (Standard Student Schedule, Grid Student Schedule, and Grid Student Schedule Landscape) have been updated to include a field for "Effective as of" date. This field will display on all student schedules that are based on these three canned report formats.
In addition, users can now print pending schedules when running student schedules in batch from Counseling > Reports > Scheduling Reports > Student Schedule. A new "Print" option has been added to the pre-screen; by default this option is set to print current schedules.
Counseling, Scheduling: Show Home District on Schedule Reports
Districts can now configure student schedule reports to display home district information. This can be configured via a prompt when defining reports, and will only display this information for students who have a currently active home district assignment.
Discipline: Updated Logic for SSEC Reporting
The SSEC Report in Discipline > Reports has been updated to reflect a change to School Safety and the Educational Climate (SSEC) reporting requirements. Specifically, the logic used to calculate the total value for "Number of Unduplicated Student Offenders for Serious Incidents" in row nn (at the end of Part 1) has been modified such that offenses associated with Material Incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying (Category 5) are no longer included in this count.
Online Help: Move Online Help to the Cloud
As of Version 20.0, all online help links will now access content from a central location in the Cloud (specifically,, rather than referencing local help files that are installed on servers with each SchoolTool instance. This will allow for more frequent, real-time updates to help content while ensuring that the help content provided to users always corresponds with the actual version of SchoolTool that they are using, even when updates are applied via maintenance releases or hot fixes.
Note: While all districts will automatically be directed to the Cloud when accessing online help, the files distributed during installation and upgrade processes will continue to exist on SchoolTool servers for the duration of the Version 20.0 release. When the next SchoolTool release (Version 20.1) becomes available, those files will be removed, thus reducing the size of the installed application and decreasing the time required for future upgrades and installs.
Medical: New Medication Fields
Three (3) new fields have been added to the Add Medication screen on a student's record. The ICD-10 code, Administration Route, and Prescribing Provider fields are all optional fields that may be entered as needed (common uses for these fields might include Medicaid billing and tracking purposes).
New fields have also been added to Custom Export to allow users to retrieve data related to these new medication fields.
Mobile App: Mandatory Forms in Mobile App
Districts now have the ability to make a User Defined Screen mandatory in the Forms area of the mobile app. When a UDS is marked as required, users logging into the mobile app will need to submit the completed form before they can access the rest of the functionality in the app.
Mobile App: Support for Spanish in Mobile App
Users now have the ability to view the SchoolTool mobile app in Spanish. Note that translation applies primarily to labels in the app; some content, such as user-entered notes and grading comments, may not be translated.
Teachers: Updated Teacher Grading Screens (Midterms, Final Exams, Override Calculated Final Averages)
The Submit Midterm Exam Grades, Submit Final Exam Grades, and Override Calculated Final Averages screens, typically used for traditional/secondary grading, have been updated to provide improvements for performance and user experience enhancements. Behind the scenes changes include overall performance improvements and fewer post-backs, resulting in shorter load times and less time spent waiting for the page to refresh between operations. While overall functionality remains largely the same, some functionality and user interface enhancements have been added to improve user experience.
Version 19.2
Census, Maintenance: Allow User Defined Screens to be Required in Transfer Student & Online Pre-Registration
Districts now have the ability to make User Defined Screens required when transferring students via district connections and/or when submitting data via Online Pre-Registration. The process is similar for either scenario: the receiving district must first configure district connections and/or Online Pre-Registration to mark a UDS as required. Once that configuration is complete, users submitting data to this district will be required to complete UDS records for each incoming student.
Note: Data that has been submitted prior to a district marking a UDS as required will not be impacted.
Discipline, Maintenance: SSEC Report Updates
Discipline Types and the SSEC Report have been updated to reflect changes in reporting requirements. These updates include:
- Changes to Discipline Types in Maintenance to help users identify which items are currently required for SSEC reporting
- Code changes for certain SSEC codes
- Report changes to display all reportable codes, along with a means of identifying data that exists in non-reportable columns.
General: Global UI Updates and Icon Changes
SchoolTool now has a new look and feel! The Version 19.2 release introduces new global UI styles that are visible throughout SchoolTool. These changes impact all users and are intended to provide a more modernized user interface that provides greater consistency across the SchoolTool application and improves accessibility for all users.
Login: Updated Validation Messages on Login and Forgot Password Screens
SchoolTool now displays generic messages when a user unsuccessfully attempts to log in to SchoolTool with incorrect credentials.
In addition, users will see updated validation messages when submitting an email address on the Forgot Password screen on the SchoolTool website and on the mobile app.
Maintenance: OAuth 2.0 Support for Email
Microsoft is in the process of deprecating support for Basic Authentication in Exchange Online, including SMTP email configuration. Additional information provided by Microsoft is available here. To support this change, the Email Settings area in Maintenance > Application > Network Settings now has an OAuth 2.0 option available for districts wishing to use modern authentication.
Maintenance: Updated Logic for Enrollment-Specific Student Digital Resources Reporting
Updated logic for the Student Digital Resources data warehouse export so that survey records are properly associated with enrollments based on the following rules:
Survey records will be associated with an enrollment if survey date (as reported to NYS) is prior to the enrollment end date (this will also include survey dates that are prior to the start of any enrollment but are not covered by another enrollment record).
Survey records will not be associated with an enrollment if the survey date is past the end date of the enrollment.
If more than one survey is associated with a single enrollment, the most recent survey for that enrollment is the one that will be reported.
Only survey dates that are within the reporting school year will be considered.
Mobile App: Show Grade Book Average in Mobile App
The SchoolTool mobile app now allows users to see a student's in-progress Grade Book Average for an individual course on the Grades and Assignments views. This functionality respects existing user permissions.
Teachers: Updated Submit Screen for Progress Report Grades
The Submit Progress Report Grades screen, typically used for traditional/secondary progress report grading, has been updated to provide improvements for performance and user experience enhancements.
Behind the scenes changes include overall performance improvements and fewer post-backs, resulting in shorter load times and less time spent waiting for the page to refresh between operations. The session timeout has also been removed so that users will not experience data loss due to session timeouts while on this screen.
While overall functionality remains largely the same, some functionality and user interface enhancements have been added to improve user experience.
Teachers: Updates to Teacher Roster Screen (Show Home District and Nickname)
The Roster tab has been reworked to provide a more intuitive screen. In addition, teachers with appropriate permissions now have the ability to see students' nicknames and home district assignments on the Roster tab.
Throughout: Additional Changes to Support Non-Binary Gender
Additional changes have been made throughout SchoolTool to support students identified as non-binary gender. This includes updates to Dashboards, changes to the Relationships table in Maintenance > Census to include relationship reverse text for non-binary students, new logic for recipient ordering on mailing labels, report cards, and progress reports, updates to Scheduling logic and reports, and more.